Friday 9 January 2009

Today is Friday

And Friday is cleaning day! Is everybody happy? I bet my socks they are!

Well I am anyway. I've spent the last 7 days staring at complete and utter chaos. We arrived home from holidays in the early hours of last Saturday morning and fell into bed. When I woke up around 7.30am I had an awful headache and a wretched cough, the aftermath of a particularly stressful week away from home.

All that means that I spent the weekend in bed (most of the time anyway) and have just slothed around since Monday, only doing what I absolutely had to. Thank goodness for the freezer or the kids would've revolted! As is is they managed to eat all the bread, drink all the juice and deplete the pantry of most spreads as well as finish off the fruit cake, shortbread and choc chip cookies. The joys of hungry teenagers on school holidays!

So today was cleaning day and I couldn't wait to get started. The weather is cooler too, so that helped a lot. I don't like the heat. And my Darling was working so that meant the alarm went off at 6.30am and after he brought me my morning coffee (isn't he a sweetheart?) I was up and at 'em by 7am.

A load of whites, a load of darks, run the dishwasher, wipe over the benches, marinate the chicken for dinner (tandoori, yum - recipe coming), sweep, dust, mop, vacuum, put away loads and loads of "stuff" (where does it all come from?), clean the bathrooms and then conk out around 2pm!

But our home is sparkling, fresh and just the way I like it to be for my family. It may be old fashioned but I think my job is to keep house and to keep it to the best of my ability. I think that I owe it to my Darling to show him how much I appreciate the long hours he works and the effort he puts into caring for me and our children and one of the ways I can do this is to make our home a haven for him. And I love doing it too.

Ok, here is the recipe for Cheat's Tandoori Chicken:

What you need:

500g chicken fillet, skin off
1/2 cup plain yoghurt
2 tsp tandoori seasoning

How to make it:

Dice the chicken into 2cm cubes. Mix the tandoori powder with the yoghurt. Stir in the chicken and leave to marinate at least 2 hours. Heat a non-stick wok. Add the chicken, turn the heat down. Cook 20 minutes, until chicken is done and sauce has thickened. The chicken will start to brown. Keep the heat low so the yoghurt doesn't boil and curdle. Serve over steamed rice with a tossed salad on the side (torn lettuce, diced tomato, diced cucumber, thinly sliced onion rings, drizzle of cider vinegar and sprinkle of ground black pepper).

I told you it was cheat's tandoori, but it's quick, easy, cheap and really tasty.

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